Courses Of Studies

Welcome To St. Mary's Convent School

Courses Of Studies :

St. Mary's Convent School, Santragachi has the following courses 0f studies :

  The ICSE Section (Nursery to Class X) which prepares the students fot the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi, in the following subjects;

  English, Bengali/Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Commercial Studies, Computer Application, SUPW, Art & Carft, Value Education, G.K., CCA & Smart Class.

  Keeping up with the need and requirements of the present generation smart classes under Tata class Edge has been introduced, making the class room more active and alive.

  Science stream (IX - X) with English, Bengali/Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Computer, History and Geography.

  Commerce stream (IX - X) with English, Bengali/Hindi, Mathematics, Commercial Application, History and Geography.

  St. Mary's School, Santragachi, being an English-medium School makes an effort to teach the students to handle English effectively as a written and spoken language

  Bengali and Hindi however are compulsory subjects as Indian Languages, in the three-language scheme of secondary education.

  Religious Instruction : Being a Christian institution, the classes of Christain Doctrine (Catechism) are compulsory for Christian students.All students must attend classes of Moral Science which deal with moral principles, values and rules of conduct.

  Discipline : Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and discipline in the school. A student must strive to attain qualities of mind and heart and integrate into his life virtues such as honesty, sincerity, piety, compassion, generosity, self reliance and love for nature. To maintain the discipline in the school the students are kept under the surveillance of CCTV. This has been installed in the classrooms, auditorium, ground and at every corner, within the school premises.

  According to the Council norms-the school provides a trained Counselor for helping the children to overcome their emotional setbacks and to help them meet challenges.

  The student's personality, initiative and originality are given full scope in Creative curricular activities and by involvement and participation in Eco Club, sports and games.