From the Principal's Desk

Welcome To St. Mary's Convent School

From the Principal's Desk

Vision without Action…… is just a Dream Action without Vision…. Just passes the Time But Vision and Action…… can change the world ( Joel A. Barker)

Everyone has dreams, but only a handful pursue them. And only the handful are champions in the area they choose. There are the countless many who gave up their pursuit of dreams in the face of adversity. Only the champions pick themselves up and go all the way to become number one.

Our school is a place where children are encouraged to say I see it, I get it , I can do it. Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child. In this era of cut throat competition it is of paramount importance to impart an integrated education to the future citizen of the Nation for successfully facing multitasking. We believe in giving our students strong values along with a set or wings which may carry them far and wide. In other words our students are equipped to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world.

Having portrayed the educational outline I would like to highlight the entire essence on which Education of St. Mary's Convent School stands. Being value based Education we uphold ethics and unbiased judgments and groom our students 'intelligence and character for we know nothing can stop a person with the right attitude from achieving his/her goal

I borrow Winston Churchill’s words before I end "Success is not Final, Failure is not Fatal. It is the Courage that Counts".