Head Boy's Message

Welcome To St. Mary's Convent School

Head Boy's Message


School is not just a place that gives you an insight into your career, but it also ensures that one develops into a responsible being, imbibing moral values and ethics that are the prerequisits of life. St Mary's Convent School has been successfully catering to this need for years.I feel highly blessed to have grown up as a St'Marian amidst the love and guidance of my teachers and sisters.The institution has played an indispensible role in moulding my personality and future.

I am highly priviliged to have been appointed as the Head Boy of such an institution that has helped me discover my own potentials.I have learnt to shoulder responsibilities and set up an example with my leadership qualities.I hope,I can stand upto the expectations of the teachers and sisters and make them proud with my future achievements. St Mary's has not just prepared me for life instead it has given me a life itself ensuring that I can reach the pinnacle of success in whichever field I venture.
